Sunday, June 16, 2013

Savory Sunday - 16 June 2013

Mother's Days and Father's Days are always a treat.  Like many other holidays and other special days, they are days to enjoy time with family and good food.  Today was no exception.  We spent the evening at my wife's grandma's house with her parents and a brother-in-law and his family.  We traditionally do these get togethers "pot luck" style.  Some of our Dino (Lacinato) Kale has been getting quite long, so we figured it could be incorporated into our contribution.  So we hauled in a basket full of Kale this morning...

...and turned it into this...

It's called Super Summer Kale Salad.  We found the recipe through a search for "Kale" on  I don't have a nutrition fact sheet on it, but it looked like something loaded with antioxidants and other good nutrients for the body.  It's tangy sweetness was also good for the taste buds.

Other meals featuring food fresh from the garden this week:

Lettuce was cut for use on some hamburgers.  By the way, my wife makes the buns from scratch! Well worth it! Some Broccoli was picked and steamed and spinach was eaten like a salad.  Also pictured are some organic sweet potato fries.  While we are attempting some sweet potatoes ourselves, they won't be ready until end of summer, assuming they thrive OK.

Some of the left over ground beef not made into burgers was saved for tacos later on.  My wife also makes the tortillas from scratch.  All well worth the time and effort!  I enjoy them much better than store-bought packs.  This meal featured more lettuce from the garden.  We are flooded with lettuce now and will be for the next few weeks, I imagine.  Hopefully we can get some neighbors to come back and help themselves to a bit as well so I can get all those squares filled in with some beans and some other summer crops.  As for the rest of the tacos, I wish I could say the tomatoes and salsa used on them were also fresh from the garden, but we won't be able to start harvesting our own tomatoes, tomatillos, and so forth for another few weeks, at least.  Our tomatoes plants are just now setting out their first clusters of blossoms.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice Will! I have seen that recipe and it looks very good!
