It's been a long time coming, but I've finally decided to give this blogging thing a go and see what comes of it. Thinking up a suitable blog name was harder than I anticipated. Just about every other blog name or domain I wanted to use was already taken. After some more thought, I settled on naming this blog, "In the Season Thereof". It was inspired by the following verse taken from one of the LDS books of scripture, Doctrine & Covenants 59:18...
Yea, all things which come of the earth, in the season thereof, are made for the benefit and the use of man, both to please the eye and to gladden the heart;
One day's harvest from our first home garden last year. |
Since purchasing our first home last year, I've resumed an interest I acquired in a zoology & botany class back in high school: vegetable gardening. That interest has fast become a passion now and that subject will probably comprise most of the posts that make it on to this blog. I plan to document much of the progress, success and/or lack thereof with the vegetable gardens I intend to grow each year. The Internet (especially YouTube) and local libraries have proven to be a valuable resource for acquiring much of the knowledge I'm now applying to my own garden and I will be sure to share links and other sources (many retrospectively) where applicable to anything I've found to help my own garden along.
However, I've developed passions for several other activities that revolve around seasons including but not limited to: sports, running, hiking, backpacking, holiday activities with family, and so on. Thus, this blog, as its title suggests, will also consist of posts relevant to many of the other seasons thereof.
Given the wide variety of interests I have, I can only hope this blog will eventually contain something of interest for everyone that may find their way onto it. I figure it can be at least one way to do my part to make the Internet, and ultimately the world, a better place than when I found it. If it serves to inspire just one person, be it family member, friend, or stranger out there to see and do something good for their own health, family, and/or personal well-being, as I have been inspired to do, then it will be worth it. I guess this is now me paying it forward after soaking up much of the good that so many other bloggers and others have offered up on this great world-connecting bridge we call the Internet.
EDIT (Jan 15, 2015): I've since branched off and created an entirely different blog for documenting and focusing on outdoor adventures. That can be found at This blog will remain focused largely on gardening, particularly, growing food.
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